Hi Everyone,
You are probably thinking that we forgot how to post on our blog seeing how it has been so long.
We have been so busy with ministry here in the Wycliffe office and with Joan traveling back and forth to LA to be with Barb that we have hardly had time to sit down at the computer after work hours. Also we have been waiting for the doctors to actually run some additional tests on Barb so that we had something more definite to report on her ongoing cancer treatment. As you may recall she had a very encouraging report after her 4th round of chemo.
She has now completed her sixth treatment and visited the doctor yesterday in preparation for the seventh treatment on Thursday of this week (June 21) After this last treatment the doctor did run a blood cancer count test and told Barb the results yesterday. We have more GREAT NEWS to report. When she started treatment the cancer count was nearly 700. After her first treatment it dropped to 90 and after her third treatment it had dropped to 59 and now after this sixth treatment it has dropped to 2.3 (not 23 but 2 point 3) which is in the normal range for all people because we all have some cancer cells running around in our bodies. Does that mean Barb is now considered cancer free? No, as more definitive tests are needed and the doctor plans to do another CAT/PET scan soon which will indicate more fully the effectiveness of the treatment. What this most recent test does show is that Barb has come a very long ways in her treatment and continues to show great improvement. Her doctor who is a non-believer even said to her yesterday "It really makes me happy when miracles happen." He has continually been amazed at the progress Barb has made as he was not optimistic at all when treatment was initiated. For Barb and all of us this is a testimony of God's healing power and the power of the prayers of the Body of Christ. You have been and continue to be a critical part of what God is doing in Barb's body, mind and spirit. She is scheduled to have an additional three treatments the last one being given on August 1st. Things to continue to pray about are.
1. Barb's ability to continue to handle these last three treatments
a. She is needing to get shots to build up her white blood count before each treatment.
There are some side effects from these shots. We thank the Lord for her medical
coverage which pays for the shots which are extremely expensive.
b. Her most serious side effect to date has been the neuropathy (extreme nerve pain) in
her hands and feet. It has been lasting longer after each treatment. Pray it will not
not cause any permanent damage to the nerves.
c. Pray that all other side effects will continue to be minimal as they have been
throughout all the treatments to date.
d. That Barb will be able to find the balance needed between a busy life with five
children and needed time for rest and refreshment. Summer vacation is now here
so the schedule is a bit more relaxed.
2. Pray for the whole family as they have now moved into Erik's childhood home and are
in the process of living in a house that is undergoing some major renovations.
3. Pray for Barb as she stays focused and disciplined in terms of her diet and other
things she is doing which we believe are aiding in the healing process.
4. Pray for all those who have been such a big help to Barb and family. The school where
the girls attend continues to bring the evening meal. They have been doing this for five
months now. For the LA school district that continues to show support and have Barb
scheduled to return to the classroom in the fall. For Joan as she goes down to be with
Barb and family for the first week after the chemo is administered.
Pray for our summer schedule as we plan to spend time with Tim and family and Joan's Mom and sister and brother-in-law in the Portland OR/Vancouver WA area. After that we will go to a be with Barb for that first week after the seventh treatment. Jon and Amy and family will also be home from Asia at that time and will be in S. California so we will be able to see them as well as daughter Ruth who lives in Santa Ana , CA. Our time is fairly short so we will drive long days and work in as many activities as possible
Pray also for the sale of our Idyllwild, CA house. We are anxious to get it sold.
Thank you for your love, prayers and encouragement to Joan and I and the entire family as we have and continue to walk this journey of faith. We love and appreciate each of you so very much.
Dave & Joan