Dear Friends,
It's hard to believe how long it has been since we have put a posting on this blog :(
The past few months have been extremely busy with work, travel and just keeping up with life.
First we want to give an update on Barbara who has and continues to battle cancer. The news is good. In December the Dr. took her off the strongest of the three chemo drugs that she was on. This has allowed her to recover nearly all the feeling in her hands because of the nerve damage this particular drug does. Her blood cancer counts continue to be in the normal range. A couple of weeks ago the Dr. ordered a more intensive CAT-PET scan. He was gone to Hawaii on vacation for a time and he called this last Tuesday and when Barbara asked him how is vacation was he replied: "It was terrific and so was you scan." He will give her more details when she sees him on Tuesday February 5th. She is still on the other two drugs, one is oral and the other by infusion but this infusion only takes about 30 minutes whereas the other stronger chemo infusion took up to five hours.
She has been working full time since the end of August and has had ample energy to handle a classroom of severely handicapped kids which she teaches as part of the LA Unified School District. She and Erik and 5 kids are enjoying living in Erik's family house where he grew up. Erik's dad, Bob, died in early December so that has been an adjustment for them as a family. Erik is in charge of handling his dad's will so that is a big added responsibility. He decided to take a semester off of school in order to do this, continue working, helping at the church and also helping Barbara more.
Barbara continues on a rigid alkaline diet which we believe is at least partially responsible for how well she is doing. Most of all we believe that the prayers of hundreds of folks like yourself have had and will continue to have a powerful effect in Barbara's life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are all deeply grateful to the Lord for what He has done. It really is miraculous.
Joan stopped making regular trips to LA to be with Barbara when she had her chemo treatments after the Dr. took her off the strongest drug. She is able to cope quite well with the two lesser drugs. Her older sister Ruth has been coming over most times for a day to help with the kids on Saturdays after Barbara gets home from the infusion treatment on Friday nights.
We spent Christmas in both Portland/Vancouver and LA. We drove from Calgary which is an 1800 mile trip each way. We stopped in Portland/Vancouver on the way down and on the way back. We were together in LA for Christmas with Ruth, Barb & family and Tim and family. We sure missed Amy, Jon and kids who remained in Asia ministering with their mission agency. We hope to visit them sometime in April as we will be in that part of the world.
Work in Wycliffe Canada is going well with lots of exciting things happening but we are never without challenges in today's complex world. We have two more years here and will then need to return to the US in December because of visa restrictions.
We are grateful for each of you and for the part you play in our lives and ministry.