We arrived here at Amy & Jon's on Friday evening March 23rd and after a good nights rest we spent Saturday just kicking back and enjoying some relaxed time with Jon, Amy and the kids. In the late afternoon we all took a good walk, including Amy who was able to take the brace off of her mending broken leg a few days ago. After a good meal at a nearby restaurant we settled in for the night. At midnight that Sunday evening Amy started having contractions and by 3:00 AM she felt it was time to go to the hospital so she, Jon and Joan left for the 30 minute drive. I stayed at home to watch the older kids. Upon arriving the examining nurse told Amy she was 5 cm dilated, so she was thinking that she was in for a few more hours of labour. However, things progressed very rapidly and after about 5 really hard contractions little Madeleine Leigh was born at 4:00 AM March 25th Asia time. She weighed in at 2925 grams and is 48.5 cm long. She is beautiful with lots of light brown hair. Both she and Mom are doing great, they came home from the hospital at noon today March 27th. She is adored and loved by all especially Jeremiah, Alenna and Sydney.

Barb started her 3rd round of chemo Monday March 26th. The doctor is a bit concerned that her white blood cell count is down some, so she is going to need to be extra careful to avoid being around anyone with an infection as her immune system is not as well equipped to fight off any potential infection and it would take her longer to recover should she catch something. Thanks for praying that she will be free of infection and that her white blood cell count will build back up. We are very grateful that Naomi and Renatah will be able to go and be with Barb for two weeks starting on March 28. Renatah looks forward to meeting her cousins for the first time as well.

Several days ago she got the results of the blood work back after her first round of chemo. We are praising the Lord that after that first treatment the cancer count dropped from nearly 700 to just 90. The doctor and all of us are so grateful for the effectiveness of the chemo that first round and for the part that her strict diet is having on fighting the cancer in her body. Above all we believe strongly that this is a direct answer to all the prayers of God's people who have been asking the Lord to bring healing to Barb's body. Thank you for being such a great part of the faithful who are remembering Barb before the throne of grace on a daily basis.

We are enjoying being with Jon, Amy and kids and getting a first hand look at their lives and work here. Their use of the language is impressive after nearly two years of full time study. This language is one of the more difficult languages to learn. The weather has been great since arriving with beautiful warm sunny spring days. Once Amy has fully recovered from the birthing process we will likely do some tourist kinds of things. I will leave April 9th for Singapore to attend the Asia-Pacific Area Meetings of Wycliffe International and then go on to the Philippines for a visit. Joan will remain here to help with the new baby along with Jon, Amy and family. You know how grandmas love to be with the grand kids :) especially a brand new one.
Thanks so much for your ongoing prayers for the whole family and most especially for Barb's healing. God is good and we give him all the glory for what He is doing in all of our lives.
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