It hardly seems possible that it's been over a week since we last updated the blog. Thanks for your ongoing prayers for Barb. She is 10 days into her second round of chemo. Side effects this time around were a more severe rash which was very uncomfortable for a few days and the nerve sensation associated with anything cold. Both have improved over the last few days. Her energy level has been higher than expected and she has had virtually no nausea which is a direct answer to all of your prayers. This enables her to eat and drink well thus helping her to maintain her present level of strength. As of this posting we don't yet know the results of the blood work that will give some indication of the effectiveness of the first round of chemo. Hopefully we will have an update on that the next time we post. We are absolutely confident that your prayers are what sustains all of us during this trial and will be a major factor in Barb's long term healing. Joan and I were so encouraged during our week in Orlando when so many friends and colleagues came up to us and shared that they,their families,their home groups, their churches and friends were all praying. The Body of Christ is such an incredible blessing and source of encouragement during this time.
Amy is doing better each day in regards to her broken leg. In a recent e-mail she said she felt the baby has dropped and at a recent OB check the doctor feels the baby is doing fine and could potentially come at any time. We are hoping that the baby waits to make its appearance until after grandma and grandpa arrive on the 23rd but as you know babies come when they want to :)
We had a really good week in Orlando but the days were especially busy with meetings and fellowshiping with old friends and colleagues. We had a wonderful day on Saturday with Jon's parents Jim and Jan Holsclaw. Jan has finished her six of six scheduled rounds of chemo for ovarian cancer. They are anxiously awaiting the results of the most recent CT scan that will help the doctors to determine if any further treatment is required. We know they would appreciate you prayers during this time of waiting.
Strategic Planning Meetings have taken up most of our time since returning here to Calgary. Over the next few days I need to get the results of these meetings into a coherent strategic plan to present to the Board in May. Pray for clarity of mind as I and others distill our thoughts into a comprehensive and understandable plan that meets with Board approval.
We are adding a picture this time of our oldest daughter Ruth who is a school teacher in Norwalk, CA. She recently was chosen as the teacher of the year for her school. Way to go Ruth :) We are so proud of you.
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