We wanted to update you on our latest activities since our last posting three weeks ago. At that time I (Dave) returned from LA after 6 days with Barb and family. Joan had been there for more than a week at that time including Barb's surgery date on May 28th. Joan returned to Calgary on June 13th but I was gone out to the Eastern Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick where we dedicated our new Wycliffe Eastern Canada Center.

I returned to Calgary on June 17th after an unexpected overnight in Ottawa. Our friends David & Muriel Standing (pictured with Joan) actually arrived on the afternoon of June 15th so for the last two weeks we have been playing the part of tourists taking in local sites as well as the incredibly beautiful Rocky Mountains. David & Muriel will be with us until July 14th.

Over the past week or so Barb has seen both her surgeon and her oncologist. We praise God for continued good news. The surgeon removed the bandages and said that she had healed beautifully and cleared her to resume normal activities including driving. Her oncologist said that her cancer count was still in the normal range even though she has had no chemo for 10 weeks now, prior to and following the surgery on the 28th of May so he said he was going to keep her on a "chemo holiday" Please pray with us that she will never again need chemo of any sort. They plan to do another CT/PET scan soon to serve as a new base line. Because she took the last two weeks of the school year off for her surgery she needed to get clearance to return in the fall to the LA School District where she is a Special Education Teacher for severely handicapped children. The doctor approved her return so that is a praise as well. This past week she helped some with a VBS at their church. The kids are out of school for the summer and their baseball teams have also finished their schedule for the year. They are planning a 2 week camping vacation with Tim and Naomi later this summer.
This past week Tim and family have been at Barb and Erik's as Tim needed to be down in the LA area for additional training with Noritsu the Japanese photo-chemical company that he works for so Naomi and Renatah went along to have time with Barb and her kids. A fun time was had by all. Prior to going to LA they were involved in an accident where a drunk driver side swiped them while they were in Seattle attending a Noritsu regional meeting. No one was hurt but the car sustained considerable damage. This was Tim's new work car which is supplied by Noritsu so he is currently using a rental until it's repaired.
Ruth finished up her school year where she teaches math, ESL and ceramics to 7th graders. She has also been working on some additional classes to upgrade her math credential.
Amy and Jon and family who minister in a large Asian country have been on vacation for the last couple of weeks and really enjoying the time off as their work can be very stressful at times. The kids are all out of school for the summer as well.
That's about it for this time. If you want more info on Barb go to her site at www.caringbridge.org go to visit and type in 4barbararouth
Pray that I Dave can keep a good balance between work and having time with David & Muriel during these next two weeks. There is seldom ever a dull moment here in Calgary with lots happening in the Wycliffe Canada context.
You are all a great blessing in our lives and we feel so privileged to have you as partners in the Gospel and the ministry of Bible Translation for the Bibleless peoples of the world.
In Christ
Dave & Joan
1 comment:
Great news about Barb, Dave and Joan. Enjoy your time with the Standings and greet them for me!
Bob Creson
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